Age: 29
Occupation: Engineer
Marital Status: Attached
Citizenship: Singaporean

Pete is a 29 year old engineer living in Singapore.
He has had 3 years of working experience between 2 companies since he graduated with a decent degree in engineering a few years back.
Being keen on photography since his teenage years, he has been dabbling in photography but did not join photography society back in school as his heavy engineering course coupled with tuition jobs have taken up all his time. As a result, he is now more into digital photography due to the technology age. He is quite a confident person and believes in himself.
He enjoys going on fishing, hikes and being with nature and this is his form of exercise for both his physique and photography skills. He frequents places like Bukit Timah nature reserve, botanical gardens and short trips to nearby islands. He is not that obsessed with his body as he sees it more as a functional tool for his soul than something to show off. However, he is rather pleased that the hikes and fishing do accord him more attention by repaying him with tanned skin and slightly above average build.
However, ever since he got attached to a banker which he met at a company party, he has less time for his hiking, fishing buddies and photography as compared to the past. They have taken to the typical dinner and movie date. It's not that he minds, but he would have been happier if she loved hiking as he did.
Pete' buddies from secondary school are an odd mix- a rising entrepreneur, a creative director and a fashion stylist. He has gotten over feeling a little out of place at times for holding a 'conventional' job. Pete is known as the ever- practical guy in his clique. His family is neither dysfunctional nor extremely close; he has a fashion- conscious sister with whom he is on good terms with.
Four pleasure analysis of Pete
Physio- pleasure (maintaining his tan, relaxing with close mates)
To him, relaxing is a night out drinking with friends or going on dates with his girlfriend since he reduced his frequency of hiking some time back. He enjoys going for an occasional Sunday jog under the hot midday sun to retain the tan that his girlfriend found attractive.
Socio- pleasure (simple needs, easily contented with unchanging company) (need)
His girlfriend stays over at his place rather often, and when she doesn't he goes out drinking with his mates. His social needs are simple. At work he does not interact very much with his colleagues, not that he minds. Socializing or being showy is not his forte. Definitely not a trend setter.
Psycho- pleasure (need for stability)
He has a job that satisfies his need for stability. His friends are the same old gang always. His girlfriend, however, can be a bit of a flirt, which worries him just a little at times. Hence, he tries to be a tad more fashionable than he was since he met her, to keep the passion going (and to make himself feel more secure). Knowing how she loves clubbing, he tries to catch up on the latest songs with the help of his buddies. He enjoys the satisfaction of mastering new applications and techniques in photography (appreciation). He also derives pleasure from having ease of use over something which people have problems in such as manual settings on his camera (aperture and shuttle speed configuration) (appreciation). He loves the smell of new gadgets(appreciation). He enjoys the feel of a good grip of a quality equipment (appreciation).
Ideo- pleasure (filial, decent, down to earth)
He knows he looks slightly above average but does not take pride in that. He dresses conventionally and would not be caught dead in pink. He does not like the idea of being in the centre of attraction, especially since the girls in his life (girlfriend and sister) are already the attention seeking sort. He is a Buddhist who goes as (not) far as to offer an occasional set of joss sticks with his parents when he brings them to the temple to pray. Being practical, he does not think much about his image. Basically he is a rather nice guy with a decent set of morals. Change is not appealing to him. Being down to earth, he believes in quality over appearance (need).
Specifications of product
- Bluetooth (to transfer data of computer to handphone for work purposes)
- removable memory (to easily transport loads of data and free up space)
- shock protection (for in case he gets a chance to go hiking)
- at least 400 hours of standby time (no need for constant charging)
- not too many useless functions (active functions or keys should always be on top)
- caller ringing tones that vary with different people (so he can know if he should bother answering quickly without reaching for his phone as few people matter to him)
- personal shortcuts (being busy at work efficient use of handphone is necessary)
- large screen (girlfriend maintains it's more manly)
- 3.2 megapixel camera (to please photo- taking girlfriend) (also practical for taking spontaneous rough shots as ideas for his designs at work)
- quality camera lens
- on device photo editing capabilities
- looks stylish yet is not too loud for his liking (especially colour)
- music player that can play MP3 and AAC formats (his closest friends use a Mac and often like to exchange songs)
- direct plug in, drag and drop of music files
- picture messaging (for when his girlfriend sends him her sexy pictures)
- weight not more than 170g (as an engineer, he appreciates good but lightweight design)
This is how his ideal handphone should look like (in my opinion):

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